Christmas Gift Guide for the Chronically Ill (Blogmas2019:5)

Sometimes buying gifts for your chronically ill friend or family member can be difficult; and as a chronically ill person, I often receive a lot of gifts that I cannot use. Here are some ideas of what they might like, but keep in mind that every person and every illness is different and so not every gift will be suitable for everyone.

1. A blanket (fleecy/weighted/heated)
Spending a lot of time in bed or on the couch, a blanket always helps you get comfortable and relax. A lot of us with chronic illnesses have issues with regulating our body temperature and so a blanket helps with this. Getting them a heated or weighted blanket could also help alleviate some of their symptoms, such as pain.

2. A hot water bottle 
Most chronic illnesses cause pain in some form or another, and a hot water bottle is an easy and reusable way to reduce this pain, even slightly, and it is great to cuddle up with during the colder months.

3. An eye mask
An eye mask is a great gift for someone with chronic illness if they suffer from migraines or have to rest during the day. Even at night, it can help block out any extra light which could keep them awake or cause headaches.

4. Pyjamas
When you are chronically ill, you tend to spend a lot of time at home in bed or on the couch. And with symptoms such as pain and skin conditions, wearing comfortable clothes is an essential. A good pair of pyjamas can make a big difference to our comfort, and who doesn’t want to snuggle up with a hot chocolate and Christmas movies in brand new pjs!

5. DVDs
We spend a lot of time stuck in the house and, with limited energy, there often isn’t much for us to do. A DVD of our favourite movie or one we have never seen before would make a great gift as we can watch it whenever we are stuck in bed or on the couch. If you are looking to spend a bit more money, why not buy a TV series box-set or a streaming subscription, such as Netflix.

6. Colouring Book 
Often life with a chronic illness can get stressful and overwhelming, and an adult colouring book is a great way for us to relax and take a bit of time for ourselves. It also makes a great activity when we are in the house or hospital to help pass the time. Why not also buy them some nice pens or pencils to go with it?

7. Candles
We are always looking for ways to make our home more cosy and relaxing, and candles are perfect for this! Keep in mind that some people might have sensitivity to smells so an unscented one may be best in some cases.

8. A Journal
A journal can be a great way to keep track of sleep, eating, mindfulness, or just to let our emotions out and so it is a great gift to help them manage their health. Get a beautiful one and pair it with a nice pen or a little something extra.

9. Comfort Foods
Anyone will know that when you are ill, and especially over the holidays, all you want to do is eat your favourite junk foods. And if they have any dietary requirements if you take that into account then it will make them feel noticed and considered. Plus, the holidays are a time to eat our favourite foods, right?

10. Scrapbook/Photo Album
We don’t get out much, but when we do those memories become very important to us. Why not memorialise your memories with your them in a scrapbook or photo album that they can look through whenever they are stuck in the house and feeling down? You can add personal touches, quotes, and anecdotes and create something really special that they will treasure forever.


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